Real-Life Private Detective Tales: Three Memorable Christmas Investigations

Today being Christmas, we thought we’d share a few of our favorite investigation stories that occurred during the holidays, from the silly to the heartfelt.

Serving Christmas Divorce Papers to a Happy Jailer

Several years ago, an angry soon-to-be-ex-wife told her attorney that she wanted divorce papers served on her soon-to-be-ex-husband on Christmas Day.  No other day would do.  Not Christmas Eve, not the day after Christmas.  Christmas Day.  The divorc papers were to be her hristmas gift to the husband who she’d recently learned had a girlfriend on the side.

The attorney contacted us, asked if we’d be willing to fulfill this Christmas wish.  After hearing the story, we said sure.  The husband was a deputy in a local jail scheduled to work on Christmas Day. We drove to the jail, politely asked for him, and after he confirmed his identity, we served him the papers.

He read the first page, looked up at us, grinned, then exclaimed, “This might be the best Christmas I’ve ever had!\


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